Saturday, October 17, 2009

Brief on JBoss EAR Deployment

EAR Deployment Process:

1) The EAR starts getting deployed and EARDeployer is the main class that does that.

2) All the dependent jars are scanned and deployed if not deployed. MainDeployer is the main class that does this.

3) The Queue Sevice and Topic Service will be started if there are any topics or queues defined in the Application. TopicService and QueueService are the main class that does this.

4) EJB3Deployment begins, which deploys Enterprise beans and Persistence Units in the application or module. EJB3Deployer iterates through the ear to find all the jars which has persistence units and enterprise beans for deployment.

a) If a persistence unit is detected, first an corresponding MDB will be created and registered into JMXServer. Similarly if an EJB is detected, a corresponding MDB is created and registered into JMX. JmxKernelAbstraction is the main class that does this.

b) Once PersistenceUnitMDB is registered, the service is started to create all the relevant tables n EntityManager relationships etc into db and PersistenceUnitDeployment is the class that does this.

c) Similarly once EJBMDB is registered, the service is started using EJBContainer class.

5) Once EJB Deployment is done, TomcatDeployer will deploy the web application if any in the particular module being scanned.

6) Cluster Session Management is started for this particular application, JBossCacheManager is the one responsible for this.

7) Once all the above steps are done, the application can have application specific database initializers, inventory trackers, etc started.

Before the EAR Deployment begins, all the services starting from Transaction Service, Timer Service, UDDI, WebService, etc would have started.
All the JBoss related Webapps like jmx-console, web-console will start. Once all these JBoss goes ahead with the EAR Deployment.

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