Sunday, August 30, 2009

JPA Performance: Dont Ignore the Database

Database Schema

Good Database schema design is important for performance. One of the most basic optimizations is to design your tables to take as little space on the disk as possible , this makes disk reads faster and uses less memory for query processing.

Data Types

You should use the smallest data types possible, especially for indexed fields. The smaller your data types, the more indexes (and data) can fit into a block of memory, the faster your queries will be.


Database Normalization eliminates redundant data, which usually makes updates faster since there is less data to change. However a Normalized schema causes joins for queries, which makes queries slower, denormalization speeds retrieval. More normalized schemas are better for applications involving many transactions, less normalized are better for reporting types of applications. You should normalize your schema first, then de-normalize later. Applications often need to mix the approaches, for example use a partially normalized schema, and duplicate, or cache, selected columns from one table in another table. With JPA O/R mapping you can use the @Embedded annotation for denormalized columns to specify a persistent field whose @Embeddable type can be stored as an intrinsic part of the owning entity and share the identity of the entity.

Database Normalization and Mapping Inheritance Hiearchies

The Class Inheritance hierarchy shown below will be used as an example of JPA O/R mapping.

In the Single table per class mapping shown below, all classes in the hierarchy are mapped to a single table in the database. This table has a discriminator column (mapped by @DiscriminatorColumn), which identifies the subclass. Advantages: This is fast for querying, no joins are required. Disadvantages: wastage of space since all inherited fields are in every row, a deep inheritance hierarchy will result in wide tables with many, some empty columns.

In the Joined Subclass mapping shown below, the root of the class hierarchy is represented by a single table, and each subclass has a separate table that only contains those fields specific to that subclass. This is normalized (eliminates redundant data) which is better for storage and updates. However queries cause joins which makes queries slower especially for deep hierachies, polymorphic queries and relationships.

In the Table per Class mapping (in JPA 2.0, optional in JPA 1.0), every concrete class is mapped to a table in the database and all the inherited state is repeated in that table. This is not normlalized, inherited data is repeated which wastes space. Queries for Entities of the same type are fast, however polymorphic queries cause unions which are slower.

Know what SQL is executed

You need to understand the SQL queries your application makes and evaluate their performance. Its a good idea to enable SQL logging, then go through a use case scenario to check the executed SQL. Logging is not part of the JPA specification, With EclipseLink you can enable logging of SQL by setting the following property in the persistence.xml file:

<property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINE"/>

With Hibernate you set the following property in the persistence.xml file:

<property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />

Basically you want to make your queries access less data, is your application retrieving more data than it needs, are queries accessing too many rows or columns? Is the database query analyzing more rows than it needs? Watch out for the following:
  • queries which execute too often to retrieve needed data
  • retrieving more data than needed
  • queries which are too slow
    • you can use EXPLAIN to see where you should add indexes

With MySQL you can use the slow query log to see which queries are executing slowly, or you can use the MySQL query analyzer to see slow queries, query execution counts, and results of EXPLAIN statements.

Understanding EXPLAIN

For slow queries, you can precede a SELECT statement with the keyword EXPLAIN to get information about the query execution plan, which explains how it would process the SELECT, including information about how tables are joined and in which order. This helps find missing indexes early in the development process.

You should index columns that are frequently used in Query WHERE, GROUP BY clauses, and columns frequently used in joins, but be aware that indexes can slow down inserts and updates.

Lazy Loading and JPA

With JPA many-to-one and many-to-many relationships lazy load by default, meaning they will be loaded when the entity in the relationship is accessed. Lazy loading is usually good, but if you need to access all of the "many" objects in a relationship, it will cause n+1 selects where n is the number of "many" objects.

You can change the relationship to be loaded eagerly as follows :

However you should be careful with eager loading which could cause SELECT statements that fetch too much data. It can cause a Cartesian product if you eagerly load entities with several related collections.

If you want to override the LAZY fetch type for specific use cases, you can use Fetch Join. For example this query would eagerly load the employee addresses:

In General you should lazily load relationships, test your use case scenarios, check the SQL log, and use @NameQueries with JOIN FETCH to eagerly load when needed.


the main goal of partitioning is to reduce the amount of data read for particular SQL operations so that the overall response time is reduced

Vertical Partitioning splits tables with many columns into multiple tables with fewer columns, so that only certain columns are included in a particular dataset, with each partition including all rows.

Horizontal Partitioning segments table rows so that distinct groups of physical row-based datasets are formed. All columns defined to a table are found in each set of partitions. An example of horizontal partitioning might be a table that contains historical data being partitioned by date.

Vertical Partitioning

In the example of vertical partitioning below a table that contains a number of very wide text or BLOB columns that aren't referenced often is split into two tables with the most referenced columns in one table and the seldom-referenced text or BLOB columns in another.

By removing the large data columns from the table, you get a faster query response time for the more frequently accessed Customer data. Wide tables can slow down queries, so you should always ensure that all columns defined to a table are actually needed.

The example below shows the JPA mapping for the tables above. The Customer data table with the more frequently accessed and smaller data types is mapped to the Customer Entity, the CustomerInfo table with the less frequently accessed and larger data types is mapped to the CustomerInfo Entity with a lazily loaded one to one relationship to the Customer.

Horizontal Partitioning

The major forms of horizontal partitioning are by Range, Hash, Hash Key, List, and Composite.

Horizontal partitioning can make queries faster because the query optimizer knows what partitions contain the data that will satisfy a particular query and will access only those necessary partitions during query execution. Horizontal Partitioning works best for large database Applications that contain a lot of query activity that targets specific ranges of database tables.

Hibernate Shards

Partitioning data horizontally into "Shards" is used by google, linkedin, and others to give extreme scalability for very large amounts of data. eBay "shards" data horizontally along its primary access path.

Hibernate Shards is a framework that is designed to encapsulate support for horizontal partitioning into the Hibernate Core.


JPA Level 2 caching avoids database access for already loaded entities, this make reading reading frequently accessed unmodified entities faster, however it can give bad scalability for frequent or concurrently updated entities.

You should configure L2 caching for entities that are:
  • read often
  • modified infrequently
  • Not critical if stale
You should also configure L2 (vendor specific) caching for maxElements, time to expire, refresh...

References and More Information:

JPA Best Practices presentation
MySQL for Developers Article
MySQL for developers presentation
MySQL for developers screencast
Keeping a Relational Perspective for Optimizing Java Persistence
Java Persistence with Hibernate
Pro EJB 3: Java Persistence API
Java Persistence API 2.0: What's New ?
High Performance MySQL book
Pro MySQL, Chapter 6: Benchmarking and Profiling
EJB 3 in Action
sharding the hibernate way
JPA Caching
Best Practices for Large-Scale Web Sites: Lessons from eBay

Original Source

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Summary of Business Tier Patterns

The Presentation Tier will access the Business Tier via Business Delegate .
Business Delegate inturn access EJB by looking up using Service Locator.
The EJB [Session Facade] or the WebService End Point representing the Deployment Layer communicates to Application Service Layer [Algorithms, Main Logic].
Application Service Layer access Entities [Business Objects].

The communication between Tiers happen using Transfer Objects [not shown in the figure].
The Deployment Layer can also communicate to Business Objects directly and not via Application Service Layer depending on the Transaction Design.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

How do inventors actually think of inventions

How do inventors actually think of inventions? Most of them say they first define a problem, then come up with a way to solve it. “I look for something not being done efficiently,” says Micron’s Leonard Forbes. “I tour around a lot of conferences and keep up on the literature to try to identify problems. I’ll go through different approaches. It’s not usually an ‘aha’ moment, but more a process of elimination.”

What happens next is the strange, incomprehensible part: finding the answer. Yamazaki says he gets his best ideas after dozing. “Oftentimes, I’ll fall asleep while taking the train home at the end of the day,” he says. “I wake up, and I have an inspiration.”

Mark Gardner, who stopped working for the chipmaker Advanced Micro Devices in 2005, also cogitates while snoozing. “I wake up every day thinking of inventions,” he says. “I don’t know if it’s a curse or a blessing.”

Other innovators don’t close their eyelids to find inspiration but know that their brains function best when they’re not trying to work on a problem. “A lot of times, you don’t come up with solutions right away,” says Akram. “I keep a problem in the back of my mind, thinking about it in different settings, adding a little here and there. Some of this thinking occurs when I’m on a plane or driving my car.” Hearing this, Akram’s colleague Warren Farnworth pipes in, “I hate to say it, but there’s something about standing in the shower, rubbing my head with shampoo, and I’ll go, Wow, why didn’t I think of that before?”

Also important is an environment that encourages experimentation. All the men say they have to feel free to propose any idea, no matter how outrageous. “When chasing an invention, you have to not be very critical of suggestions,” Weder says. “You have to try not to snicker.” Even when the wildest solutions don’t work, they can spark discussion that might lead to other ideas. “There are two kinds of supervisors,” says Akram. “One says, ‘Why are you wasting our time?’ The other says, ‘This is so cool!’ ” Micron’s researchers have thrived under the latter.

Then there is another, less romantic reason why these men have so many patents. All work for firms that value patents, systematically and aggressively apply for them, and reward those who win them. At Micron, the patent lawyers’ offices are next to the R&D lab, so engineers can stop by and quickly find out if an idea is patentable. Yamazaki and Silverbrook now run companies that essentially produce nothing but patentable technology—and they make money licensing it to manufacturers. In his 24 years at A.M.D., which relies on patentable inventions to compete with archrival Intel, Gardner figures he made more than $1 million in bonuses from his patents.

Which brings up the subject of wealth. It’s tempting to think that owning hundreds of patents must be the key to riches, but it’s not necessarily true. Inventions created while working for a company usually belong to that company. The leading inventors are all well paid—their firms understand their value—but none is cruising the Aegean on his yacht or lining up to buy the Yankees. Silverbrook has the best shot at great wealth, if his printer technology takes flight.

Silverbrook, Yamazaki, and Weder will continue to chase one another at the top of the list. They each have nearly twice as many patents as the fifth-ranked inventor, Micron’s Gurtej Sandhu. They are the reticent megastars of invention, each eclipsing Edison just as Barry Bonds roared past Babe Ruth. These three, especially, deserve a place not just in the popular imagination, but also in history.

Traditional SaaS vs Cloud enabled SaaS

Inspired by Gilad's great summary on the Cloud Programming model, I try to summarize the difference that I observe between the traditional SaaS model and the "cloud-enabled SaaS model". Although cloud providers advocates zero effort is need to migrate existing applications into the cloud, it is my belief that this "strict-port" approach doesn't fully exploit the full power of cloud computing. There are a number of characteristic that cloud is different from traditional data center environment, application which design along these characteristic will take more advantages from the cloud.

I believe a Cloud-enabled-Application should have the following characteristic in its fundamental design.

Latency Awareness

Traditional SaaS App typically run within a single data center and assume low latency among server components. Now in the cloud environment that span many distant geographic locations, but the assumption of low latency cannot hold any more. We need to be “smarter” when choosing where to deploy to avoid the situation of putting frequently communicating components between far-distant locations. “Cloud-enabled SaaS app” need to be aware of latency difference and built in self-configuring and self-tuning mechanism to cope with that.

Cost Awareness

Traditional SaaS app typically run on already purposed hardware where utilization efficiency is not a concern. Now with the “pay as you go” model, application need to pay more attention to its usage pattern and efficiency of underlying resources because it will affect the operation cost. Cloud-enabled SaaS application need to understand the cost model of different resources utilization (such as CPU cost may be very different from Bandwidth cost) and adjust their usage strategy to minimize the operation cost.

Security Awareness

Traditional SaaS app typically run on a fully trusted data center based on perimeter security. But in the Hybrid cloud model, the perimeter being drawn is very different now. Application need to carefully select where to store its data such that sensitivity will not be leaking. This involve careful determination of storage provider or use encryption for protection.

Capitalize on Elasticity

Traditional SaaS App is not used to large-scale growth / shrink of compute resources and typically haven’t designed well to handle how data get distributed to newly joined machines (in a growth scenario) or redistributed among remaining machines (in a shrink scenario). This ends up having a very inefficient use of network bandwidth and results in high cost and low performance. More sophisticated data distribution protocol that align with the growth and shrink dimension is needed for “Cloud-enabled SaaS app”

Original Source

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Summary of Presentation Tier Patterns

1) Intercepting Filters

You want to intercept and manipulate a request and a response before and after the request is processed.


a) Does the client have a valid session?

b) Does the request path violate any constraints?

c) Do you support the browser type of the client?

d) What encoding does the client use to send the data?

e) Is the request stream encrypted or compressed?


a) Filter Manager

Filter Manager manages Filter Processing. It creates the FilterChain with the appropriate filters, in the correct order, and initiates processing.

b) Filter Chain

The FilterChain is an ordered collection of independent filters.

c) Filter

Filter represents individual filters.

d) Target

The Target is the resource requested by the client. Target here can be a Front Controller.

2) Front Controller

You want a centralized access point for presentation-tier request handling


a) You want to avoid duplicate control logic

b) You want to apply common logic to multiple requests.

c) You want to separate system processing logic from the view.

d) You want to centralize controlled access points into your system.


a) Converts the protocol specific requests into a more general form with the help of Context Object. An example of this is retrieving parameters from an HttpServletRequest instance and populating a MyRequest object that can be used independent of any servlet-related artifacts.

b) Validates the ContextObject for FormBased and Business Validation using the Validator provided by the ContextObject.

c) Delegates request to Application Controller.

3) Context Object

You want to avoid using protocol-specific system information outside of its relevant context. An example of this is retrieving parameters from an HttpServletRequest instance and populating a MyRequest object that can be used independent of any servlet-related artifacts. Context Object also provides a framework to validate the user data.


a) ProtocolInterface [HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse]

An object that exposes protocol or tier-specific details.

b) ContextFactory [RequestContextFactory, ResponseContextFactory]

A ContextFactory creates a protocol and tier independent ContextObject.

c) ContextObject [RequestContextObject, ResponseContextObject]

ContextObject is a generic object used to share domain-neutral state throughout an application. Per Form a separate ContextObject can be created like for example StudentAdmission form can have its own ContextObject called StudentAdmissionContextObject which has its own logic for validating form.

4) Application Controller

You want to centralize and modularize action and view management.


a) First, the incoming request must be resolved to an action that services the request. This is called action management.

b) Second, the appropriate view is located and dispatched. This is called view management.


a) Client

Client invokes the application controller. In the presentation tier, a FrontController or an InterceptingFilter typically fulfill this role.

b) ApplicationController

Uses Mapper to resolve an incoming request to the appropriate action and view, to which it delegates or dispatches.

c) Mapper

Uses a Map to translate an incoming request into the appropriate action [Command] and view [ViewFactory].

d) Map

Holds references to handles that represent target resources [Command or ViewFactory]

e) Target

A resource that helps fulfill a particular request, including commands, views and style sheets.

5) CommandProcessing

You want to perform core request handling and invoke business logic before control is passed to the view.


a) ApplicationController

Manages choosing the appropriate action [Command] to fulfill the request.

b) CommandProcessor

Helps in processing the Command.

c) Command

Command performs an action for a request. It invokes the business method on the BusinessDelegate.

d) BusinessDelegate

BusinessDelegate acts as the façade which hides the details of invoking the BusinessService.

e) BusinessService

BusinessService is the Enterprise Beans normally Session Beans which does our task and returns the data in the form of the PresentationModel used by the view to render.

f) PresentationModel

PresentationModel is the data returned by the BusinessService for the use by the view.

6) ViewFactory

Helps in creating View


a) View Preparation

The view preparation phase involves request handling, action management, and view management. A request is resolved to a specific action, that action is invoked and the appropriate view is identified, with the request then being dispatched to that view.

b) View Creation

Subsequently, during view creation, the view retrieves content from its model, using helpers to retrieve and adapt the model state. Often extracted and adapted from TransferObject, this content is inserted, formatted, and converted into the static template text of the view to generate a dynamic response.


a) ViewHelper

It helps in separating a view from its processing logic. This can be in the form of JSPTags, Helper Pojos etc.

b) ViewTemplate

Template used in creating view.

c) CompositeView

You want to build a view from modular, atomic component parts that are combined to create a composite whole, while managing the content and the layout independently.

d) PresentationModel

Presentation Model is the data used by the view.

Friday, August 14, 2009

ACID Properties


First, a transaction needs to be atomic (or all-or-nothing], meaning that it executes
completely or not at all. There must not be any possibility that only part
of a transaction program is executed.
For example, suppose we have a transaction program that moves $100 from
account A to account B. It takes $100 out of account A and adds it to account
B. When this runs as a transaction, it has to be atomic—either both or neither
of the updates execute. It must not be possible for it to execute one of the
updates and not the other.
The TP system guarantees atomicity through database mechanisms that
track the execution of the transaction. If the transaction program should fail
for some reason before it completes its work, the TP system will undo the
effects of any updates that the transaction program has already done. Only if it
gets to the very end and performs all of its updates will the TP system allow
the updates to become a permanent part of the database.
By using the atomicity property, we can write a transaction program that
emulates an atomic business transaction, such as a bank account withdrawal,
a flight reservation, or a sale of stock shares. Each of these business actions
requires updating multiple data items. By implementing the business action
by a transaction, we ensure that either all of the updates are performed or
none are. Furthermore, atomicity ensures the database is returned to a known
state following a failure, reducing the requirement for manual intervention
during restart. The successful completion of a transaction is called commit. The failure of
a transaction is called abort.


A second property of transactions is consistency—a transaction program
should maintain the consistency of the database. That is, if you execute the
transaction all by itself on a database that's initially consistent, then when the
transaction finishes executing the database is again consistent.

By consistent, we mean "internally consistent." In database terms, this
means that the database satisfies all of its integrity constraints. There are
many possible kinds of integrity constraints, such as the following:
• All primary key values are unique (e.g., no two employee records have
the same employee number).
• The database has referential integrity, meaning that records only reference
objects that exist (e.g., the Part record and Customer record that are
referenced by an Order record really exist).
• Certain predicates hold (e.g., the sum of expenses in each department is
less than or equal to the department's budget).
Ensuring that transactions maintain the consistency of the database is good
programming practice. However, unlike atomicity, isolation, and durability,
consistency is a responsibility shared between transaction programs and the
TP system that executes those programs. That is, a TP system ensures that a
set of transactions is atomic, isolated, and durable, whether or not they are
programmed to preserve consistency. Thus, strictly speaking, the ACID test
for transaction systems is a bit too strong, because the TP system does its part
for C only by guaranteeing AID. It's the application programmer's responsibility
to ensure the transaction program preserves consistency.

The third property of a transaction is isolation. We say that a set of transactions
is isolated if the effect of the system running them is the same as if it ran
them one at a time. The technical definition of isolation is serializability. An
execution is serializable (meaning isolated) if its effect is the same as running
the transactions serially, one after the next, in sequence, with no overlap in
executing any two of them. This has the same effect as running the transactions
one at a time.
A classic example of a nonisolated execution is a banking system, where
two transactions each try to withdraw the last $100 in an account. If both
transactions read the account balance before either of them updates it, then
both transactions will determine there's enough money to satisfy their
requests, and both will withdraw the last $100. Clearly, this is the wrong
result. Moreover, it isn't a serializable result. In a serial execution, only the
first transaction to execute would be able to withdraw the last $100. The second
one would find an empty account.
Notice that isolation is different from atomicity. In the example, both
transactions executed completely, so they were atomic. However, they were
not isolated and therefore produced undesirable behavior.
If the execution is serializable, then from the point of view of an end user
who submits a request to run a transaction, the system looks like a standalone
system that's running that transaction all by itself. Between the time he
or she runs two transactions, other transactions from other users may run. But

during the period that the system is processing that one user's transaction, it
appears to the user that the system is doing no other work. But this is only an
illusion. It's too inefficient for the system to actually run transactions serially
because there is lots of internal parallelism in the system that must be
exploited by running transactions concurrently.
If each transaction preserves consistency, then any serial execution (i.e.,
sequence) of such transactions preserves consistency. Since each serializable
execution is equivalent to a serial execution, a serializable execution of the
transactions will preserve database consistency, too. It is the combination of
transaction consistency and isolation that ensures that executions of sets of
transactions preserve database consistency.
The database typically places locks on data accessed by each transaction.
The effect of placing the locks is to make the execution appear to be serial. In
fact, internally, the system is running transactions in parallel, but through
this locking mechanism the system gives the illusion that the transactions are
running serially, one after the next. In Chapter 6 on locking, we will describe
those mechanisms in more detail and present the rather subtle argument why
locking actually produces serializable executions.

The fourth property of a transaction is durability. Durability means that when
a transaction completes executing, all of its updates are stored on a type of
storage, typically disk storage, that will survive the failure of the TP system.
So even if the transaction program or operating system fails, once the transaction
has committed, its results are durably stored on a disk and can be found
there after the system recovers from the failure.
Durability is important because each transaction is usually providing a service
that amounts to a contract between its users and the enterprise that is
providing the service. For example, if you're moving money from one account
to another, once you get a reply from the transaction saying that it executed,
you really expect that the result is permanent. It's a legal agreement between
the user and the system that the money has been moved between these two
accounts. So it's essential that the transaction actually makes sure that the
updates are stored on some nonvolatile device, typically disk storage in
today's technology, to ensure that the updates cannot possibly be lost after the
transaction finishes executing. Moreover, the durability of the result often
must be maintained for a long period. For example, some tax regulations allow
audits that can take place years after the transactions were completed.
The durability property is usually obtained via a mechanism that starts by
having the TP system write a copy of all the transaction's updates to a log file
while the transaction program is running. When the transaction program
issues the commit operation, the system first ensures that all the records written
to the log file are out on disk, and then returns to the transaction program,
indicating that the transaction has indeed committed and that the results are
durable. The updates may be written to the database right away, or they may

be written a little later. However, if the system fails after the transaction commits
and before the updates go to the database, then after the system recovers
from the failure it must repair the database. To do this, it rereads the log and
checks that each update by a committed transaction actually made it to the
database. If not, it reapplies the update to the database. When this recovery
activity is complete, the system resumes normal operation. Thus, any new
transaction will read a database state that includes all committed updates. We
describe log-based recovery algorithms in Chapter 8.

Modularity by Example

There are lots of benefits to modularity, some of which I discussed when introducing modularity patterns. But here’s a simple example, which serves as a prelude to some upcoming posts explaining a few of the patterns.

In the diagram at right (click to enlarge), the top left quadrant shows a sample system with a relatively complex class structure. When change occurs within a single class, shown in red in the bottom left quadrant, understanding the impact of change is difficult. It appears possible that it can propagate to any class dependent on the class highlighted in red. Assessing the impact of change requires that we analyze the complete class structure. The ripple effect appears significant, and change instills fear.

But if the system is modular with classes allocated to these modules, as shown in the bottom right quadrant, then understanding the impact of change can be isolated to a discrete set of modules. And this makes it much easier to identify which modules contain classes that might also change, as shown in the top right quadrant. Change is isolated to classes within modules that are dependent on the module containing the class that is changing.

This is a simple example, but it serves as evidence of the need for modular architecture, and illustrates one reason why modularity is so important. Modularity makes understanding the system easier. It makes maintaining the system easier. And it makes reusing system modules much more likely. As systems grow in size and complexity, it’s imperative that we design more modular software. That means we need a module system for the Java platform. It means that module system shouldn’t be shielded from enterprise developers. And it means we need to understand the patterns that are going to provide the guidance necessary in helping us design more modular software.


Presentation Model Pattern

Presentation Model is a design pattern used to build desktop GUIs with a clean separation of concerns. One of the most important advantages of this pattern is the easy creation of unit tests that can focus on the application logic without touching UI components. In fact, this is a goal that many other patterns have failed to accomplish. Read the advantages of the Presentation Model pattern for more details.

The first characteristic of the Presentation Model pattern that you have to understand is how its classes (often referred to as layers) are organized. Figure 1 shows its structure, which details the following classes: view, presentation model and service layer. Before explaining each of them, pay special attention to the references (arrows) and notice that the class that holds the state and logic of the GUI (presentation model class) does not have a reference to the view. What happens is exactly the opposite: the view that has a reference to this class.

Let's understand the role of each of these classes in the pattern:

  • View: Simple class that contains the UI components. The displayed data reflects the state kept by the Presentation Model class.
  • Presentation Model: Class that holds the state of the GUI and its logic. The code operates on data and variables in memory and is unaware of the existence of UI components and presentation formats.
  • Service Layer: Class that represents a channel between the Presentation Model and the outer world, where different types of service might exist (e.g., EJBs, databases, etc.). What lies beyond this layer is not seen by the Presentation Model class.

Figure 1: Three layers of the pattern.

The Presentation Model class has no idea about views. It simply holds the state of the GUI and fires events when this state changes. Moreover, it is possible to attach more than one view to a presentation model instance, which leads to diferent visualizations of the same data.

The separation into decoupled layers and different responsibilities brings important advantages to the GUI implementation and maintenance. When we work this way, the layers become thinner and Ö consequently Ö more simple, which increases the understandability of the code. Besides that, the operations with models and business rules happen only in the presentation model layer, where the unit tests can reach efficiently.

The Presentation Model pattern applied without a framework requires some synchronization code between the layers (see the articles on the JGoodies Binding API).

Monday, August 10, 2009

Inheritence in Javascript

Example of Inheritence in Javascript:

function Person(name) { = name;

this.printName = function() {
alert("Name is ";

function Employee(name, sal) {, name);
this.sal = sal;

this.printSalary = function() {
alert("Salary is "+this.sal);

function NonFunctionalEmployee(name, sal, hours) {, name, sal);
this.hours = hours;

this.printHours = function() {
alert("Number of hours of work "+this.hours);

var nonFunctionalEmp = new NonFunctionalEmployee("XYZ", 3333, 12);

call(this) is the main api which helps in inheritence.
The "this" parameter specifies the context in which the call() should get executed.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Choosing a Web Development Framework

Here is a list which helps in choosing the web development framework -
  1. Support for MVC (most frameworks have pretty decent support for that now)
  2. Extensible MVC (need to be able to extend the way controllers and views operate. Some frameworks do it by convention and limit you to a set of popular conventions.)
  3. Allows you to build your domain in isolation. (I want my domain model to be completely decoupled from any web technologies, persistence, etc... Just a plain OO domain model)
  4. Gives you very flexible persistence options. (I might decide to use a fully featured ORM (ActiveRecord is not fully featured), or I might want to use SQL, or heck, I might want to do both for efficiency or to scratch a morning itch, who cares about the reason, please let me choose. Oh, and one more thing, what if I don't want to use a SQL database at all? I want to use a native XML store or better yet a key/value store. Even if it's just to piss someone off, I want to do this and one should be able to accomplish that pretty easily. I'm not asking for a mapper for these stores, simply just don't make your framework bound to some relational store though making the work of turning this dependency off a 5 hour chore.)
  5. Supports AJAX (I should be able to easily render JSON or XML views, without much plumbing or lots of mappings and annotations. The authentications and forms support should also expose some form of ajax compliant interfaces, so that forms and authentication can be done using ajax if I choose so. Be able to easily parse submitted data into some data structure and validate/synchronize it with the domain model.)
  6. Bindings (All frameworks have some sort of bindings. Some of them are limiting. I don't want to create command objects to just simply bind the data and than synch with my domain model. If I have domain object graph(s), I should be able to bind it in the view layer. Bindings should be customizable. In Spring MVC for example, you can only bind one input control to a field or set of fields in the command object, but what if I want to bind 3 input fields that collectively represent one field in the domain object, I'm out of luck, unless I use javascript to first serialize those input fields into one field. That really sucks.)
  7. Support RESTful, stateless, and other web concepts in a straightforward way. (I want to be able to configure every part of HTTP and the web and make the application work, look, interact in my way that's compatible with the web, not your way. Some component based frameworks make that harder that it should be, like the fact that they are inherently stateful by default. Some make it hard to support RESTful or custom URI schemes, because they transfer state through URL rewriting. All of these problems don't exist in some frameworks, like Rails, Spring MVC, Grails, etc..., so I know it's possible.)
  8. Validations (Most have fully fledged validation support, but I can't say that it can't be made a bit easier. I do like Spring's flexible validation support.)
  9. Forms (This is a big one. Can you provide a flexible way of creating forms and layouts. I mean seriously, we're developing forms today the same way we've developed forms 15 years ago. Every other aspect of development has moved on, but we're still doing bullshit html form controls. XForms is a way out, but no browser support and pretty hard to integrate support from vendors like Orbeon and Chiba makes the standard useless. Can we either embrace it or come up with something else. Am I the only one that gets an anxiety attack every time I think about creating yet another interactive form that doesn't do anything much differently than the form I created 4 months ago for a different project, though I either have to copy and paste all the cruft or start from the absolute scratch. Wow, that's sad IMO.)
  10. Scalability. I know this one again is not up to the framework, but as I mentioned before, the framework can make it easier or harder to achieve. For example, inherently stateful frameworks that require either session affinity or replication of session state, make it very hard to horizontally scale. Yes, I know you can scale with replications tools available out there, but any synchronous replications is not linearly scalable. So any such frameworks makes it harder. There are many other criteria that can make a framework more scalable than others, but in general, statelessness, stability, and speed makes it viable for faster scalability tunes.)
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Saturday, August 8, 2009

Load Balancing Web Applications

This article offers an overview of several approaches to load balancing on Web application server clusters. A cluster is a group of servers running a Web application simultaneously, appearing to the world as if it were a single server. To balance server load, the system distributes requests to different nodes within the server cluster, with the goal of optimizing system performance. This results in higher availability and scalability -- necessities in an enterprise, Web-based application.

High availability can be defined as redundancy. If one server cannot handle a request, can other servers in the cluster handle it? In a highly available system, if a single Web server fails, then another server takes over, as transparently as possible, to process the request.

Scalability is an application's ability to support a growing number of users. If it takes an application 10 milliseconds(ms) to respond to one request, how long does it take to respond to 10,000 concurrent requests? Infinite scalability would allow it to respond to those in 10 ms; in the real world, it's somwhere between 10 ms and a logjam. Scalability is a measure of a range of factors, including the number of simultaneous users a cluster can support and the time it takes to process a request.

Of the many methods available to balance a server load, the main two are:

  • DNS round robin
  • and
  • Hardware load balancers.

DNS Round Robin

As most readers of ONJava probably know, the Domain Name Server (DNS) database maps host names to their IP addresses.


When you enter a URL in a browser (say,, the browser sends a request to the DNS asking it to return the IP address of the site. This is called the DNS lookup. After the Web browser gets the IP address for that site, it contacts the site using the IP address, and displays the page for you.

The DNS server generally contains a single IP address mapped to a particular site name. In our fictional example, our site maps to the IP address

To balance server loads using DNS, the DNS server maintains several different IP addresses for a site name. The multiple IP addresses represent the machines in the cluster, all of which map to the same single logical site name. Using our example, could be hosted on three machines in a cluster with the following IP addresses:

In this case, the DNS server contains the following mappings:


When the first request arrives at the DNS server, it returns the IP address, the first machine. On the second request, it returns the second IP address: And so on. On the fourth request, the first IP address is returned again.

Using the above DNS round robin, all of the requests to the particular site have been evenly distributed among all of the machines in the cluster. Therefore, with the DNS round robin method of load balancing, all of the nodes in the cluster are exposed to the net.

Advantages of DNS Round Robin

The main advantages of DNS round robin are that it's cheap and easy:

  • Inexpensive and easy to set up. The system administrator only needs to make a few changes in the DNS server to support round robin, and many of the newer DNS servers already include support. It doesn't require any code change to the Web application; in fact, Web applications aren't aware of the load-balancing scheme in front of it.

  • Simplicity. It does not require any networking experts to set up or debug the system in case a problem arises.

Disadvantages of DNS Round Robin

Two main disadvantages of this software-based method of load balancing are that it offers no real support for server affinity and doesn't support high availability.

  • No support for server affinity. Server affinity is a load-balancing system's ability to manage a user's requests, either to a specific server or any server, depending on whether session information is maintained on the server or at an underlying, database level.

    Without server affinity, DNS round robin relies on one of three methods devised to maintain session control or user identity to requests coming in over HTTP, which is a stateless protocol.

    • cookies
    • hidden fields
    • URL rewriting

    When a user makes a first request, the Web server returns a text-based token uniquely identifying that user. Subsequent requests include this token using either cookies, URL rewriting, or hidden fields, allowing the server to appear to maintain a session between client and server. When a user establishes a session with one server, all subsequent requests usually go to the same server.

    The problem is that the browser caches that server's IP address. Once the cache expires, the browser makes another request to the DNS server for the IP address associated with the domain name. If the DNS server returns a differnt IP address, that of another server in the cluster, the session information is lost.

  • No support for high availability. Consider a cluster of n nodes. If a node goes down, then every nth request to the DNS server directs you to the dead node. An advanced router solves this problem by checking nodes at regular intervals, detecting failed nodes and removing them from the list, so no requests go to them. However, the problem still exists if the node is up but the Web application running on the node goes down.

    Changes to the cluster take time to propagate through the rest of the Internet. One reason is that many large organizations -- ISPs, corporations, agencies -- cache their DNS requests to reduce network traffic and request time. When a user within these organizations makes a DNS request, it's checked against the cache's list of DNS names mapped to IP addresses. If it finds an entry, it returns the IP address to the user. If an entry is not found in its local cache, the ISP sends this DNS request to the DNS server and caches response.

    When a cached entry expires, the ISP updates its local database by contacting other DNS servers. When your list of servers changes, it can take a while for the cached entries on other organizations' networks to expire and look for the updated list of servers. During that period, a client can still attempt to hit the downed server node, if that client's ISP still has an entry pointing to it. In such a case, some users of that ISP couldn't access your site on their first attempt, even if your cluster has redundant servers up and running.

    This is a bigger problem when removing a node than when adding one. When you drop a node, a user may be trying to hit a non-existing server. When you add one, that server may just be under-utilized until its IP address propogates to all the DNS servers.

    Although this method tries to balance the number of users on each server, it doesn't necessarily balance the server load. Some users could demand a higher load of activity during their session than users on another server, and this methodology cannot guard against that inequity.

Hardware Load Balancers

Hardware load balancers solve many of the problems faced by the round robin software solution through virtual IP addresses. The load balancer shows a single (virtual) IP address to the outside world, which maps to the addresses of each machine in the cluster. So, in a way, the load balancer exposes the IP address of the entire cluster to the world.


When a request comes to the load balancer, it rewrites the request's header to point to other machines in the cluster. If a machine is removed from the cluster, the request doesn't run the risk of hitting a dead server, since all of the machines in the cluster appear to have the same IP address. This address remains the same even if a node in the cluster is down. Moreover, cached DNS entries around the Internet aren't a problem. When a response is returned, the client sees it coming from the hardware load balancer machine. In other words, the client is dealing with a single machine, the hardware load balancer.

Advantages of Hardware Load Balancers

  • Server affinity. The hardware load balancer reads the cookies or URL readings on each request made by the client. Based on this information, it can rewrite the header information and send the request to the appropriate node in the cluster, where its session is maintained.

    Hardware load balancers can provide server affinity in HTTP communication, but not through a secure channel, such as HTTPS. In a secure channel, the messages are SSL-encrypted, and this prevents the load balancer from reading the session information.

  • High Availability Through Failover. Failover happens when one node in a cluster cannot process a request and redirects it to another. There are two types of failover:

    • Request Level Failover. When one node in a cluster cannot process a request (often because it's down), it passes it along to another node.
    • Transparent Session Failover. When an invocation fails, it's transparently routed to another node in the cluster to complete the execution.

    Hardware load balancers provide request-level failover; when the load balancer detects that a particular node has gone down, it redirects all subsequent requests to that dead node to another active node in the cluster. However, any session information on the dead node will be lost when requests are redirected to a new node.

    Transparent session failover requires execution knowledge for a single process in a node, since the hardware load balancer can only detect network-level problems, not errors. In the execution process of a single node, hardware load balancers do not provide transparent session failover. To achieve transparent session failover, the nodes in the cluster must collaborate among each other and have something like a shared memory area or a common database where all the session data is stored. Therefore, if a node in the cluster has a problem, a session can continue in another node.

  • Metrics. Since all requests to a Web application must pass through the load-balancing system, the system can determine the number of active sessions, the number of active sessions connected in any instance, response times, peak load times, the number of sessions during peak load, the number of sessions during minimum load, and more. All this audit information is used to fine tune the entire system for optimal performance.

Disadvantages of Hardware Load Balancers

The drawbacks to the hardware route are the costs, the complexity of setting up, and the vulnerability to a single point of failure. Since all requests pass through a single hardware load balancer, the failure of that piece of hardware sinks the entire site.

Load Balancing HTTPS Requests

As mentioned above, it's difficult to load balance and maintain session information of requests that come in over HTTPS, as they're encrypted. The hardware load balancer cannot redirect requests based on the information in the header, cookies, or URL readings. There are two options to solve this problem:

  • Web server proxies
  • Hardware SSL decoders.

Implementing Web Server Proxies

A Web server proxy that sits in front of a cluster of Web servers takes all requests and decrypts them. Then it redirects them to the appropriate node, based on header information in the header, cookies, and URL readings.


The advantages of Web server proxies are that they offer a way to get server affinity for SSL-encrypted messages, without any extra hardware. But extensive SSL processing puts an extra load on the proxy.

Apache and Tomcat. In many serving systems, Apache and Tomcat servers work together to handle all HTTP requests. Apache handles the request for static pages (including HTML, JPEG, and GIF files), while Tomcat handles requests for dynamic pages (JSPs or servlets). Tomcat servers can also handle static pages, but in combined systems, they're usually set up to handle dynamic requests.


You can also configure Apache and Tomcat to handle HTTPS requests and to balance loads. To achieve this, you run multiple instances of Tomcat servers on one or more machines. If all of the Tomcat servers are running on one machine, they should be configured to listen on different ports. To implement load balancing, you create a special type of Tomcat instance, called a Tomcat Worker.


As shown in the illustration, the Apache Web server receives HTTP and HTTPS requests from clients. If the request is HTTPS, the Apache Web server decrypts the request and sends it to a Web server adapter, which in turn sends the request to the Tomcat Worker, which contains a load-balancing algorithm. Similar to the Web server proxy, this algorithm balances the load among Tomcat instances.

Hardware SSL Decoder

Finally, we should mention that there are hardware devices capable of decoding SSL requests. A complete description of them is beyond the scope of this article, but briefly, they sit in front of the hardware load balancer, allowing it to decrypt information in cookies, headers and URLs.


These hardware SSL decoders are faster than Web server proxies and are highly scalable. But as with most hardware solutions, they cost more and are complicated to set up and configure.