Sunday, February 28, 2010

Flush, Persist and Merge


There are two flush modes -
1) Auto
2) Commit

Auto flush is the default which flushes [persists] the entities in the persistence context at the transaction commit time and also on every query executed with in a transaction. Exception to this is find() because if we want to find an entity which is modified then the find will return back the entity that is present in the persistence context. But if we execute a query then query doesnt return the whole entity but returns some fields as a list and this is the reason that thepersistence context is flushed during query execution.

Commit mode will flush the persistence context when the transaction commits.

We can force flush by calling the flush method on the entity manager to flush the persistence context.

Persist and Merge

Merge can persist but persist cannot merge.
When an entity is persisted and before even the transaction is not commited, we can get the primary key if the primary key is autogenerated using table strategy.

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