Sunday, September 27, 2009

Private Members in Javascript

I just had a glance at this wonderful article on Private Members in Javascript, its really worth a read.


JavaScript is fundamentally about objects. Arrays are objects. Functions are objects. Objects are objects. So what are objects? Objects are collections of name-value pairs. The names are strings, and the values are strings, numbers, booleans, and objects (including arrays and functions). Objects are usually implemented as hashtables so values can be retrieved quickly.

If a value is a function, we can consider it a method. When a method of an object is invoked, the this variable is set to the object. The method can then access the instance variables through the this variable.

Objects can be produced by constructors, which are functions which initialize objects. Constructors provide the features that classes provide in other languages, including static variables and methods.


The members of an object are all public members. Any function can access, modify, or delete those members, or add new members. There are two main ways of putting members in a new object:

In the constructor

This technique is usually used to initialize public instance variables. The constructor's this variable is used to add members to the object.

function Container(param) {
this.member = param;

So, if we construct a new object

var myContainer = new Container('abc');

then myContainer.member contains 'abc'.

In the prototype

This technique is usually used to add public methods. When a member is sought and it isn't found in the object itself, then it is taken from the object's constructor's prototype member. The prototype mechanism is used for inheritance. It also conserves memory. To add a method to all objects made by a constructor, add a function to the constructor's prototype:

Container.prototype.stamp = function (string) {
return this.member + string;

So, we can invoke the method


which produces 'abcdef'.


Private members are made by the constructor. Ordinary vars and parameters of the constructor becomes the private members.

function Container(param) {
this.member = param;
var secret = 3;
var that = this;

This constructor makes three private instance variables: param, secret, and that. They are attached to the object, but they are not accessible to the outside, nor are they accessible to the object's own public methods. They are accessible to private methods. Private methods are inner functions of the constructor.

function Container(param) {

function dec() {
if (secret > 0) {
secret -= 1;
return true;
} else {
return false;

this.member = param;
var secret = 3;
var that = this;

The private method dec examines the secret instance variable. If it is greater than zero, it decrements secret and returns true. Otherwise it returns false. It can be used to make this object limited to three uses.

By convention, we make a private that parameter. This is used to make the object available to the private methods. This is a workaround for an error in the ECMAScript Language Specification which causes this to be set incorrectly for inner functions.

Private methods cannot be called by public methods. To make private methods useful, we need to introduce a privileged method.


A privileged method is able to access the private variables and methods, and is itself accessible to the public methods and the outside. It is possible to delete or replace a privileged method, but it is not possible to alter it, or to force it to give up its secrets.

Privileged methods are assigned with this within the constructor.

function Container(param) {

function dec() {
if (secret > 0) {
secret -= 1;
return true;
} else {
return false;

this.member = param;
var secret = 3;
var that = this;

this.service = function () {
if (dec()) {
return that.member;
} else {
return null;

service is a privileged method. Calling myContainer.service() will return 'abc' the first three times it is called. After that, it will return null. service calls the private dec method which accesses the private secret variable. service is available to other objects and methods, but it does not allow direct access to the private members.


This pattern of public, private, and privileged members is possible because JavaScript has closures. What this means is that an inner function always has access to the vars and parameters of its outer function, even after the outer function has returned. This is an extremely powerful property of the language. There is no book currently available on JavaScript programming that shows how to exploit it. Most don't even mention it.

Private and privileged members can only be made when an object is constructed. Public members can be added at any time.



function Constructor(...) {
this.membername = value;

Constructor.prototype.membername = value;


function Constructor(...) {
var that = this;
membername = value;

function membername(...) {...}


Note: The function statement

function membername(...) {...}

is shorthand for

var membername = function membername(...) {...};


function Constructor(...) {
this.membername = function (...) {...};


Original Source

Prototype Based Programming

Prototype-based programming is a style of object-oriented programming in which classes are not present, and behavior reuse (known as inheritance in class-based languages) is performed via a process of cloning existing objects that serve as prototypes. This model can also be known as class-less, prototype-oriented or instance-based programming.

The original (and most canonical) example of a prototype-based language is the programming language Self developed by David Ungar and Randall Smith. However, the classless programming style has recently grown increasingly popular, and has been adopted for the programming languages JavaScript, Cecil, NewtonScript, Io, MOO, REBOL, Lisaac and several others.

Comparison with class-based models

With class-based languages, the structure of objects is specified in programmer-defined types called classes. While classes define the type of data and functionality that objects will have, instances are "usable" objects based on the patterns of a particular class. In this model, classes act as collections of behavior (methods) and structure that are the same for all instances, whereas instances carry the objects' data. The role distinction is thus primarily based on a distinction between structure and behavior on the one hand, and state on the other.

Advocates of prototype-based programming often argue that class-based languages encourage a model of development that focuses first on the taxonomy and relationships between classes. In contrast, prototype-based programming is seen as encouraging the programmer to focus on the behavior of some set of examples and only later worry about classifying these objects into archetypal objects that are later used in a fashion similar to classes. As such, many prototype-based systems encourage the alteration of prototypes during runtime, whereas only very few class-based object-oriented systems (such as the first dynamic object-oriented system, Smalltalk) allow classes to be altered during the execution of a program.

While the vast majority of prototype-based systems are based around interpreted and dynamically typed programming languages, it is important to point out that statically typed systems based around prototypes are technically feasible. The Omega programming language discussed in Prototype-Based Programming [1] is an example of such a system, though according to Omega's website even Omega is not exclusively static but rather its "compiler may choose to use static binding where this is possible and may improve the efficiency of a program."

Object construction

In class-based languages a new instance is constructed through the class's constructor and an optional set of constructor arguments. The resulting instance is modeled on the layout and behavior dictated by the chosen class.

In prototype-based systems there are two methods of constructing new objects, through cloning of an existing object, and through ex nihilo ("from nothing") object creation. While most systems support a variety of cloning, ex nihilo object creation is not as prominent.[2]

Systems that support ex nihilo object creation allow new objects to be created from scratch without cloning from an existing prototype. Such systems provide a special syntax for specifying the properties and behaviors of new objects without referencing existing objects. In many prototype languages, there is often a basic Object prototype that carries commonly needed methods and is used as a master prototype for all other objects. One useful aspect of ex nihilo object creation is to ensure that a new object's slot names do not have namespace collisions with the top-level Object object. (In the Mozilla JavaScript implementation, one can accomplish this by setting a newly constructed object's __proto__ property to null.)

Cloning refers to a process whereby a new object is constructed by copying the behavior of an existing object (its prototype). The new object then carries all the qualities of the original. From this point on, the new object can be modified. In some systems the resulting child object maintains an explicit link (via delegation or resemblance) to its prototype, and changes in the prototype cause corresponding changes to be apparent in its clone. Other systems, such as the Forth-like programming language Kevo, do not propagate change from the prototype in this fashion, and instead follow a more concatenative model where changes in cloned objects do not automatically propagate across descendants.[3]

//Example of true prototypal inheritance style in JavaScript.

//"ex nihilo" object creation employing the literal object notation {}.
var foo = {one: 1, two: 2};
//another "ex nihilo" object.
var bar = {three: 3};

//Gecko and Webkit JavaScript engines can directly manipulate the internal prototype link.
//For the sake of simplicity, let's just pretend that the following line works regardless of the engine used:
bar.__proto__ = foo; // bar is now the child of foo.

//If we try to access foo's properties from bar from now on, we'll succeed. //resolves to 1.

//The child objects properties are also accessible.
bar.three //resolves 3.


In prototype-based languages that use delegation, the language runtime is capable of dispatching the correct method or finding the right piece of data simply by following a series of delegation pointers (from object to its prototype) until a match is found. All that is required to establish this behavior-sharing between objects is the delegation pointer. Unlike the relationship between class and instance in class-based object-oriented languages, the relationship between the prototype and its offshoots does not require that the child object have a memory or structural similarity to the prototype beyond this link. As such, the child object can continue to be modified and amended over time without rearranging the structure of its associated prototype as in class-based systems. It is also important to note that not only data but also methods can be added or changed. For this reason, most prototype-based languages refer to both data and methods as "slots".


Advocates of class-based object models who criticize prototype-based systems often have concerns that could be seen as similar to those concerns that proponents of static type systems for programming languages have of dynamic type systems (see Datatype). Usually, such concerns involve: correctness, safety, predictability, and efficiency.

On the first three points, classes are often seen as analogous to types (in most statically typed object-oriented languages they serve that role) and are proposed to provide contractual guarantees to their instances, and to users of their instances, that they will behave in some given fashion.

On the last point, efficiency, the declaration of classes simplifies many compiler optimizations that allow developing efficient method and instance variable lookup. For the Self language, much development time was spent on developing, compiling, and interpreting techniques to improve the performance of prototype-based systems versus class-based systems. For example, the Lisaac compiler produces code almost as fast as C. Tests have been run with an MPEG-2 codec written in Lisaac, copied from a C version. These tests show the Lisaac version is 1.9% slower than the C version with 37% fewer lines of code[5].

The most common criticism made against prototype-based languages is that the community of software developers is not familiar with them, despite the popularity and market permeation of JavaScript. This knowledge level of prototype based systems seems to be changing with the proliferation of JavaScript frameworks and increases in the complex use of JavaScript as "Web 2.0" matures.

Scope in Javascript

Scope is one of the foundational aspects of the JavaScript language, and probably the one I’ve struggled with the most when building complex programs. I can’t count the number of times I’ve lost track of what the this keyword refers to after passing control around from function to function, and I’ve often found myself contorting my code in all sorts of confusing ways, trying to retain some semblance of sanity in my understanding of which variables were accessible where.

In typical object-oriented programming, we need a way of identifying and referring to the object that we’re currently working with. this serves the purpose admirably, providing our objects the ability to examine themselves, and point at their own properties.

This article will tackle the problem head-on, outlining definitions of context and scope, examining two JavaScript methods that allow us to manipulate context, and concluding with a deep dive into an effective solution to ninety percent of the problems I’ve run into.
Where Am I? And Who Are You?

Every bit of your JavaScript program is executed in one execution context or another. You can think of these contexts as your code’s neighborhood, giving each line an understanding of where it comes from, and who its friends and neighbors are. As it turns out, this is important information, as JavaScript societies have fairly strict rules about who can associate with whom; execution contexts are better thought of as gated communities than as open subdivisions.

We can refer to these social boundaries generally as scope, and they’re important enough to be codified in each neighborhood’s charter, which we’ll refer to as the context’s scope chain. Code within a particular neighborhood can only access variables listed on its scope chain, and prefers interaction with locals to associations outside its neighborhood.

Practically speaking, evaluating a function establishes a distinct execution context that appends its local scope to the scope chain it was defined within. JavaScript resolves identifiers within a particular context by climbing up the scope chain, moving locally to globally. This means that local variables with the same name as variables higher up on the scope chain take precedence, which makes sense: If my good friends are talking together about “Mike West,” it’s pretty clear that they’re talking about me, not about the bluegrass singer or the Duke professor, even though the latter two are (arguably) better known.

Let’s walk through some example code to explore the implications:

<script type="text/javascript">
var ima_celebrity = "Everyone can see me! I'm famous!",
the_president = "I'm the decider!";

function pleasantville() {
var the_mayor = "I rule Pleasantville with an iron fist!",
ima_celebrity = "All my neighbors know who I am!";

function lonely_house() {
var agoraphobic = "I fear the day star!",
a_cat = "Meow.";

Our global star, ima_celebrity, is recognized by everyone. She’s politically active, talking with the_president on a fairly frequent basis, and incredibly friendly; she’ll sign autographs and answer questions for anyone she runs into. That said, she doesn’t have a whole lot of personal contact with her fans. She’s pretty sure they exist and that they probably have lives of their own somewhere, but she certainly doesn’t know what they’re doing, or even their names.

Inside pleasantville, the_mayor is a well-known face. She’s always walking the streets of her town, chatting up her constituents, shaking hands, and kissing babies. As pleasantville is a big, important neighborhood, she’s got a big red phone in her office, giving her a direct line to the president (or at least a top aide) 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. She’s seen lonely_house up on a hill at the outskirts of town, but never really worried about who lives inside.

That lonely_house is a world unto itself. The agoraphobic stays inside most of the time, playing solitaire and feeding a_cat. He’s called the_mayor a few times to ask about local noise regulations, and even wrote ima_celebrity (Pleasantville’s ima_celebrity, that is) some fan mail after seeing her on the local news.
this? What’s that?

In addition to establishing a scope chain, each execution context offers a keyword named this. In its most common usage, this serves as an identity function, providing our neighborhoods a way of referring to themselves. We can’t always rely on that behavior, however: Depending on how we get into a particular neighborhood, this might mean something else entirely. In fact, how we get into the neighborhood is itself exactly what this generally refers to. Four scenarios deserve special attention:

* Calling an Object’s Method

In typical object-oriented programming, we need a way of identifying and referring to the object that we’re currently working with. this serves the purpose admirably, providing our objects the ability to examine themselves, and point at their own properties.

<script type="text/javascript">
var deep_thought = {
the_answer: 42,
ask_question: function () {
return this.the_answer;

var the_meaning = deep_thought.ask_question();

This example builds an object named deep_thought, sets its the_answer property to 42, and creates an ask_question method. When deep_thought.ask_question() is executed, JavaScript establishes an execution context for the function call, setting this to the object referenced by whatever came before the last ”.”, in this case: deep_thought. The method can then look in the mirror via this to examine its own properties, returning the value stored in this.the_answer: 42.

* Constructor

Likewise, when defining a function to be used as a constructor with the new keyword, this can be used to refer to the object being created. Let’s rewrite the example above to reflect that scenario:

<script type="text/javascript">
function BigComputer(answer) {
this.the_answer = answer;
this.ask_question = function () {
return this.the_answer;

var deep_thought = new BigComputer(42);
var the_meaning = deep_thought.ask_question();

Instead of explicitly creating the deep_thought object, we’ll write a function to create BigComputer objects, and instantiate deep_thought as an instance variable via the new keyword. When new BigComputer() is executed, a completely new object is created transparently in the background. BigComputer is called, and its this keyword is set to reference that new object. The function can set properties and methods on this, which is transparently returned at the end of BigComputer’s execution.

Notice, though, that deep_thought.the_question() still works just as it did before. What’s going on there? Why does this mean something different inside the_question than it does inside BigComputer? Put simply, we entered BigComputer via new, so this meant “the new object.” On the other hand, we entered the_question via deep_thought, so while we’re executing that method, this means “whatever deep_thought refers to”. this is not read from the scope chain as other variables are, but instead is reset on a context by context basis.

* Function Call

What if we just call a normal, everyday function without any of this fancy object stuff? What does this mean in that scenario?

<script type="text/javascript">
function test_this() {
return this;
var i_wonder_what_this_is = test_this();

In this case, we weren’t provided a context by new, nor were we given a context in the form of an object to piggyback off of. Here, this defaults to reference the most global thing it can: for web pages, this is the window object.

* Event Handler

For a more complicated twist on the normal function call, let’s say that we’re using a function to handle an onclick event. What does this mean when the event triggers our function’s execution? Unfortunately, there’s not a simple answer to this question.

If we write the event handler inline, this refers to the global window object:

<script type="text/javascript">
function click_handler() {
alert(this); // alerts the window object
<button id='thebutton' onclick='click_handler()'>Click me!</button>

However, when we add an event handler via JavaScript, this refers to the DOM element that generated the event. (Note: The event handling shown here is short and readable, but otherwise poor. Please use a real addEvent function instead.):

<script type="text/javascript">
function click_handler() {
alert(this); // alerts the button DOM node

function addhandler() {
document.getElementById('thebutton').onclick = click_handler;

window.onload = addhandler;
<button id='thebutton'>Click me!</button>


Let’s run with that last example for a moment longer. What if instead of running click_handler, we wanted to ask deep_thought a question every time we clicked the button? The code for that seems pretty straightforward; we might try this:

<script type="text/javascript">
function BigComputer(answer) {
this.the_answer = answer;
this.ask_question = function () {

function addhandler() {
var deep_thought = new BigComputer(42),
the_button = document.getElementById('thebutton');

the_button.onclick = deep_thought.ask_question;

window.onload = addhandler;

Perfect, right? We click on the button, deep_thought.ask_question is executed, and we get back “42.” So why is the browser giving us undefined instead? What did we do wrong?

The problem is simply this: We’ve passed off a reference to the ask_question method, which, when executed as an event handler, runs in a different context than when it’s executed as an object method. In short, the this keyword in ask_question is pointing at the DOM element that generated the event, not at a BigComputer object. The DOM element doesn’t have a the_answer property, so we’re getting back undefined instead of “42.” setTimeout exhibits similar behavior, delaying the execution of a function while at the same time moving it out into a global context.

This issue crops up all over the place in our programs, and it’s a terribly difficult problem to debug without keeping careful track of what’s going on in all the corners of your program, especially if your object has properties that do exist on DOM elements or the window object.
Manipulating Context With .apply() and .call()

We really do want to be able to ask deep_thought a question when we click the button, and more generally, we do want to be able to call object methods in their native context when responding to things like events and setTimeout calls. Two little-known JavaScript methods, apply and call, indirectly enable this functionality by allowing us to manually override the default value of this when we execute a function call. Let’s look at call first:

<script type="text/javascript">
var first_object = {
num: 42
var second_object = {
num: 24

function multiply(mult) {
return this.num * mult;
}, 5); // returns 42 * 5, 5); // returns 24 * 5

In this example, we first define two objects, first_object and second_object, each with a num property. Then we define a multiply function that accepts a single argument, and returns the product of that argument, and the num property of its this object. If we called that function by itself, the answer returned would almost certainly be undefined, since the global window object doesn’t have a num property unless we explicitly set one. We need some way of telling multiply what its this keyword ought refer to; the call method of the multiply function is exactly what we’re looking for.

The first argument to call defines what this means inside the executed function. The remaining arguments to call are passed into the executed function, just as if you’d called it yourself. So, when, 5) is executed, the multiply function is called, 5 is passed in as the first argument, and the this keyword is set to refer to object first_object. Likewise, when, 5) is executed, the multiply function is called, 5 is passed in as the first argument, and the this keyword is set to refer to object second_object.

apply works in exactly the same way as call, but allows you to wrap up the arguments to the called function in an array, which can be quite useful when programatically generating function calls. Replicating the functionality we just talked about using apply is trivial:

<script type="text/javascript">

multiply.apply(first_object, [5]); // returns 42 * 5
multiply.apply(second_object, [5]); // returns 24 * 5

apply and call are very useful on their own, and well worth keeping around in your toolkit, but they only get us halfway to solving the problem of context shifts for event handlers. It’s easy to think that we could solve the problem by simply using call to shift the meaning of this when we set up the handler:

function addhandler() {
var deep_thought = new BigComputer(42),
the_button = document.getElementById('thebutton');

the_button.onclick =;

The problem with this line of reasoning is simple: call executes the function immediately. Instead of providing a function reference to the onclick handler, we’re giving it the result of an executed function. We need to exploit another feature of JavaScript to really solve this problem.

The Beauty of .bind()

I’m not a huge fan of the Prototype JavaScript framework, but I am very much impressed with the quality of its code as a whole. In particular, one simple addition it makes to the Function object has had a hugely positive impact on my ability to manage the context in which function calls execute: bind performs the same general task as call, altering the context in which a function executes. The difference is that bind returns a function reference that can be used later, rather than the result of an immediate execution that we get with call.

If we simplify the bind function a bit to get at the key concepts, we can insert it into the multiplication example we discussed earlier to really dig into how it works; it’s quite an elegant solution:

<script type="text/javascript">
var first_object = {
num: 42
var second_object = {
num: 24

function multiply(mult) {
return this.num * mult;

Function.prototype.bind = function(obj) {
var method = this,
temp = function() {
return method.apply(obj, arguments);

return temp;

var first_multiply = multiply.bind(first_object);
first_multiply(5); // returns 42 * 5

var second_multiply = multiply.bind(second_object);
second_multiply(5); // returns 24 * 5

First, we define first_object, second_object, and the multiply function, just as before. With those taken care of, we move on to creating a bind method on the Function object’s prototype, which has the effect of making bind available for all functions in our program. When multiply.bind(first_object) is called, JavaScript creates an execution context for the bind method, setting this to the multiply function, and setting the first argument, obj, to reference first_object. So far, so good.

The real genius of this solution is the creation of method, set equal to this (the multiply function itself). When the anonymous function is created on the next line, method is accessible via its scope chain, as is obj (this couldn’t be used here, because when the newly created function is executed, this will be overwritten by a new, local context). This alias to this makes it possible to use apply to execute the multiply function, passing in obj to ensure that the context is set correctly. In computer-science-speak, temp is a closure that, when returned at the end of the bind call, can be used in any context whatsoever to execute multiply in the context of first_object.

This is exactly what we need for the event handler and setTimeout scenarios discussed above. The following code solves that problem completely, binding the deep_thought.ask_question method to the deep_thought context, so that it executes correctly whenever the event is triggered:

function addhandler() {
var deep_thought = new BigComputer(42),
the_button = document.getElementById('thebutton');

the_button.onclick = deep_thought.ask_question.bind(deep_thought);



* JavaScript Closures is the best resource on the net for a thorough discussion of closures: what they do, how they do it, and how to use them without going insane.
* The Protype JavaScript Framework is full of little nuggets like bind. The version available here not only allows the binding of a particular this value, but also of some or all of a function’s arguments, which comes in handy all too often.
* Douglas Crockford’s JavaScript essays are excellent resources for both basic and advanced JavaScript programmers. The man knows what he’s talking about, and explains difficult concepts in an easy-to-grasp manner.
* Variable Scope for New Programmers is a good article if you'd like more discussion of scope from a beginner's perspective. Written by Jonathan Snook, and published in this very magazine at the end of last year, it's still an informative and useful read.

Original Source

Saturday, September 26, 2009

First ExtJs program


The following css and scripts are needed for any ext js programming.
ext-all.css is the css file, ext-base.js is the core ext js file
which helps in AJAX Communication, DOM Manipulation, Event Management.
ext-all-debug.js contains the ui components, data services, remoting, Drag & Drop and Utilities

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../resources/css/ext-all.css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="../adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="../ext-all-debug.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
Ext.BLANK_IMAGE_URL = '../resources/images/default/s.gif';

<script type="text/javascript">
function buildWindow() {
var win = new Ext.Window(

//Configuration Node for the Window
id : 'myWindow',
title : 'My first Ext JS Window',
width : 300,
height : 150,
layout : 'fit',
});; // 3

//Entry point for any ext js code


<script type='text/javascript'>
function highlightWindow() {
var win = Ext.getCmp('myWindow');
var winBody = win.body;

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saving (detached) entities

Saving an entity in JPA is simple, right? We just pass the object we want to persist to EntityManager.persist. It all seems to work quite well until we run into the dreaded "detached entity passed to persist" message. Or a similar message when we use a different JPA provider than the Hibernate EntityManager.

So what is that detached entity the message talks about? A detached entity (a.k.a. a detached object) is an object that has the same ID as an entity in the persistence store but that is no longer part of a persistence context (the scope of an EntityManager session). The two most common causes for this are:

  • The EntityManager from which the object was retrieved has been closed.
  • The object was received from outside of our application, e.g. as part of a form submission, a remoting protocol such as Hessian, or through a BlazeDS AMF Channel from a Flex client.

The contract for persist (see section 3.2.1 of the JPA 1.0 spec) explicitly states that an EntityExistsException is thrown by the persist method when the object passed in is a detached entity. Or any other PersistenceException when the persistence context is flushed or the transaction is committed. Note that it is not a problem to persist the same object twice within one transaction. The second invocation will just be ignored, although the persist operation might be cascaded to any associations of the entity that were added since the first invocation. Apart from that latter consideration there is no need to invoke EntityManager.persist on an already persisted entity because any changes will automatically be saved at flush or commit time.

saveOrUpdate vs. merge

Those of you that have worked with plain Hibernate will probably have grown quite accustomed to using the Session.saveOrUpdate method to save entities. The saveOrUpdate method figures out whether the object is new or has already been saved before. In the first case the entity is saved, in the latter case it is updated.

When switching from Hibernate to JPA a lot of people are dismayed to find that method missing. The closest alternative seems to be the EntityManager.merge method, but there is a big difference that has important implications. The Session.saveOrUpdate method, and its cousin Session.update, attach the passed entity to the persistence context while EntityManager.merge method copies the state of the passed object to the persistent entity with the same identifier and then return a reference to that persistent entity. The object passed is not attached to the persistence context.

That means that after invoking EntityManager.merge, we have to use the entity reference returned from that method in place of the original object passed in. This is unlike the the way one can simply invoke EntityManager.persist on an object (even multiple times as mentioned above!) to save it and continue to use the original object. Hibernate's Session.saveOrUpdate does share that nice behaviour with EntityManager.persist (or rather even when updating, but it has one big drawback; if an entity with the same ID as the one we are trying to update, i.e. reattach, is already part of the persistence context, a NonUniqueObjectException is thrown. And figuring out what piece of code persisted (or merged or retrieved) that other entity is harder than figuring out why we get a "detached entity passed to persist" message.

Putting it all together

So let's examine the three possible cases and what the different methods do:

Scenario EntityManager.persist EntityManager.merge SessionManager.saveOrUpdate
Object passed was never persisted 1. Object added to persistence context as new entity
2. New entity inserted into database at flush/commit
1. State copied to new entity.
2. New entity added to persistence context
3. New entity inserted into database at flush/commit
4. New entity returned
1. Object added to persistence context as new entity
2. New entity inserted into database at flush/commit
Object was previously persisted, but not loaded in this persistence context 1. EntityExistsException thrown (or a PersistenceException at flush/commit) 2. Existing entity loaded.
2. State copied from object to loaded entity
3. Loaded entity updated in database at flush/commit
4. Loaded entity returned
1. Object added to persistence context
2. Loaded entity updated in database at flush/commit
Object was previously persisted and already loaded in this persistence context 1. EntityExistsException thrown (or a PersistenceException at flush or commit time) 1. State from object copied to loaded entity
2. Loaded entity updated in database at flush/commit
3. Loaded entity returned
1. NonUniqueObjectException thrown

Looking at that table one may begin to understand why the saveOrUpdate method never became a part of the JPA specification and why the JSR members instead choose to go with the merge method. BTW, you can find a different angle on the saveOrUpdate vs. merge problem in Stevi Deter's blog about the subject.

The problem with merge

Before we continue, we need to discuss one disadvantage of the way EntityManager.merge works; it can easily break bidirectional associations. Consider the example with the Order and OrderLine classes from the previous blog in this series. If an updated OrderLine object is received from a web front end (or from a Hessian client, or a Flex application, etc.) the order field might be set to null. If that object is then merged with an already loaded entity, the order field of that entity is set to null. But it won't be removed from the orderLines set of the Order it used to refer to, thereby breaking the invariant that every element in an Order's orderLines set has its order field set to point back at that Order.

In this case, or other cases where the simplistic way EntityManager.merge copies the object state into the loaded entity causes problems, we can fall back to the DIY merge pattern. Instead of invoking EntityManager.merge we invoke EntityManager.find to find the existing entity and copy over the state ourselves. If EntityManager.find returns null we can decide whether to persist the received object or throw an exception. Applied to the Order class this pattern could be implemented like this:

Order existingOrder = dao.findById(receivedOrder.getId());
if(existingOrder == null) {
} else {

The pattern

So where does all this leave us? The rule of thumb I stick to is this:

  • When and only when (and preferably where) we create a new entity, invoke EntityManager.persist to save it. This makes perfect sense when we view our domain access objects as collections. I call this the persist-on-new pattern.
  • When updating an existing entity, we do not invoke any EntityManager method; the JPA provider will automatically update the database at flush or commit time.
  • When we receive an updated version of an existing simple entity (an entity with no references to other entities) from outside of our application and want to save the new state, we invoke EntityManager.merge to copy that state into the persistence context. Because of the way merging works, we can also do this if we are unsure whether the object has been already persisted.
  • When we need more control over the merging process, we use the DIY merge pattern.

I hope this blog gives you some pointers on how to save entities and how to work with detached entities. We'll get back to detached entities when we discuss Data Transfer Objects in a later blog. But next week we'll handle a number of common entity retrieval pattern first. In the meantime your feedback is welcome. What are your JPA patterns?

Original Source

Bidirectional assocations

JPA offers the @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, @OneToOne, and @ManyToMany annotations to map associations between objects. While EJB 2.x offered container managed relationships to manage these associations, and especially to keep bidirectional associations in sync, JPA leaves more up to the developer.

The setup

Let's start by expanding the Order example from the previous blog with an OrderLine object. It has an id, a description, a price, and a reference to the order that contains it:

public class OrderLine {
private int id;

private String description;

private int price;

private Order order;

public int getId() { return id; }
public void setId(int id) { = id; }

public String getDescription() { return description; }
public void setDescription(String description) { this.description = description; }

public int getPrice() { return price; }
public void setPrice(int price) { this.price = price; }

public Order getOrder() { return order; }
public void setOrder(Order order) { this.order = order; }

Using the generic DAO pattern, we quickly get ourselves a very basic OrderLineDao interface and an implementation:

public interface OrderLineDao extends Dao<Integer, OrderLine> {
public List<OrderLine> findOrderLinesByOrder(Order o);

public class JpaOrderLineDao extends JpaDao<Integer, OrderLine> implements
OrderLineDao {

public List<OrderLine> findOrderLinesByOrder(Order o) {
Query q = entityManager.createQuery("SELECT e FROM "
+ entityClass.getName() + " e WHERE order = :o ");
q.setParameter("o", o);
return (List<OrderLine>) q.getResultList();

We can use this DAO to add a orderline to an order, or to find all the order lines for an order:

 OrderLine line = new OrderLine();
line.setDescription("Java Persistence with Hibernate");

Collection<OrderLine> lines = orderLineDao.findOrderLinesByOrder(o);

Mo associations, mo problems

All this is pretty straight forward, but it gets interesting when we make this association bidirectional. Let's add an orderLines field to our Order object and include a naïve implementation of the getter/setter pair:

 @OneToMany(mappedBy = "order")
private Set<OrderLine> orderLines = new HashSet<OrderLine>();

public Set<OrderLine> getOrderLines() { return orderLines; }
public void setOrderLines(Set<
OrderLine> orderLines) { this.orderLines = orderLines; }

The mappedBy field on the @OneToMany annotation tells JPA that this is the reverse side of an association and, instead of mapping this field directly to a database column, it can look at order field of a OrderLine object to know with which Order object it goes.

So without changing the underlying database we can now retrieve the orderlines for an order like this:

OrderLine> lines = o.getOrderLines();

No more need to access the OrderLineDao. :-)

But there is a catch! While container managed relationships (CMR) as defined by EJB 2.x made sure that adding an OrderLine object to the orderLines property of an Order also sets the order property on that OrderLine (and vice versa), JPA (being a POJO framework) performs no such magic. This is actually a good thing because it makes our domain objects usable outside of a JPA container, which means you can test them more easily and use them when they have not been persisted (yet). But it can also be confusing for people that were used to EJB 2.x CMR behaviour.

If you run the examples above in separate transactions, you will find that they run correctly. But if you run them within one transaction like the code below does, you will find that the item list while be empty:

 Order o = new Order();
o.setCustomerName("Mary Jackson");
o.setDate(new Date());

OrderLine line = new OrderLine();
line.setDescription("Java Persistence with Hibernate");

System.out.println("Items ordered by " + o.getCustomerName() + ": ");
Collection<OrderLine> lines = o.getOrderLines();
for (OrderLine each : lines) {
System.out.println(each.getId() + ": " + each.getDescription()
+ " at $" + each.getPrice());

This can be fixed by adding the following line before the first System.out.println statement:


Fixing and fixing...

It works, but it's not very pretty. It breaks the abstraction and it's brittle as it depends on the user of our domain objects to correctly invoke these setters and adders. We can fix this by moving that invocation into the definition of OrderLine.setOrder(Order):

 public void setOrder(Order order) {
this.order = order;

When can do even better by encapsulating the orderLines property of the Order object in a better manner:

 public Set<OrderLine> getOrderLines() { return orderLines; }
public void addOrderLine(OrderLine line) { orderLines.add(line); }

And then we can redefine OrderLine.setOrder(Order) as follows:

 public void setOrder(Order order) {
this.order = order;

Still with me? I hope so, but if you're not, please try it out and see for yourself.

Now another problem pops up. What if someone directly invokes the Order.addOrderLine(OrderLine) method? The OrderLine will be added to the orderLines collection, but its order property will not point to the order it belongs. Modifying Order.addOrderLine(OrderLine) like below will not work because it will cause an infinite loop with addOrderLine invoking setOrder invoking addOrderLine invoking setOrder etc.:

 public void addOrderLine(OrderLine line) {

This problem can be solved by introducing an Order.internalAddOrderLine(OrderLine) method that only adds the line to the collection, but does not invoke line.setOrder(this). This method will then be invoked from OrderLine.setOrder(Order) and not cause an infinite loop. Users of the Order class should invoke Order.addOrderLine(OrderLine).

The pattern

Taking this idea to its logical conclusion we end up with these methods for the OrderLine class:

 public Order getOrder() { return order; }

public void setOrder(Order order) {
if (this.order != null) { this.order.internalRemoveOrderLine(this); }
this.order = order;
if (order != null) { order.internalAddOrderLine(this); }

And these methods for the Order class:

 public Set<OrderLine> getOrderLines() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(orderLines); }

public void addOrderLine(OrderLine line) { line.setOrder(this); }
public void removeOrderLine(OrderLine line) { line.setOrder(null); }

public void internalAddOrderLine(OrderLine line) { orderLines.add(line); }
public void internalRemoveOrderLine(OrderLine line) { orderLines.remove(line); }

These methods provide a POJO-based implementation of the CMR logic that was built into EJB 2.x. With the typical POJOish advantages of being easier to understand, test, and maintain.

Of course there are a number of variations on this theme:

  • If Order and OrderLine are in the same package, you can give the internal... methods package scope to prevent them from being invoked by accident. (This is where C++'s friend class concept would come in handy. Then again, let's not go there. ;-) ).
  • You can do away with the removeOrderLine and internalRemoveOrderLine methods if order lines will never be removed from an order.
  • You can move the responsibility for managing the bidirectional association from the OrderLine.setOrder(Order) method to the Order class, basically flipping the idea around. But that would mean spreading the logic over the addOrderLine and removeOrderLine methods.
  • Instead of, or in addition to, using Collections.singletonSet to make the orderLine set read-only at run-time, you can also use generic types to make it read-only at compile-time:
    public Set<
    ? extends OrderLine> getOrderLines() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(orderLines); }

    But this makes it harder to mock these objects with a mocking framework such as EasyMock.

There are also some things to consider when using this pattern:

  • Adding an OrderLine to an Order does not automatically persist it. You'll need to also invoke the persist method on its DAO (or the EntityManager) to do that. Or you can set the cascade property of the @OneToMany annotation on the Order.orderLines property to CascadeType.PERSIST (at least) to achieve that. More on this when we discuss the EntityManager.persist method.
  • Bidirectional associations do not play well with the EntityManager.merge method. We will discuss this when we get to the subject of detached objects.
  • When an entity that is part of a bidirectional associated is (about to be) removed, it should also be removed from the other end of the association. This will also come up when we talk about the EntityManager.remove method.
  • The pattern above only works when using field access (instead of property/method access) to let your JPA provider populate your entities. Field access is used when the @Id annotation of your entity is placed on the corresponding field as opposed of the corresponding getter. Whether to prefer field access or property/method access is a contentious issue to which I will return in a later blog.
  • And last but not least; while this pattern may be a technically sound POJO-based implementation of managed associations, you can argue why you need all those getters and setters. Why would you need to be able to use both Order.addOrderLine(OrderLine) and OrderLine.setOrder(Order) to achieve the same result? Doing away with one of these could make our code simpler. See for example James Holub's article on getters and setters. Then again, we've found that this pattern gives developers that use these domain objects the flexibility to associate them as they wish.
Original Source

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Advanced JBoss Class Loading

Advanced JBoss Class Loading


One of the main concerns of a developer writing hot re-deployable JBoss applications is to understand how JBoss class loading works. Within the internals of the class loading mechanism lies the answer to questions like

  • What happens if I pack a newer version of an utility library with my application, while an older version of the same library lingers somewhere in the server's lib directory?

  • How can I use two different versions of the same utility library, simultaneously, within the same instance of the application server?

  • What version of an utility class I am currently using?

or even the most fundamental of them all

  • Why do I need to mess with all this class loading stuff anyway?

This article tries to provide the reader with the knowledge required to answer these questions. It will start by trying to answer the last one, and then it will present several often encountered use cases and explain the behavior of the JBoss class loading mechanism when faced with those situations.

The Need for Class Loaders and Class Loading Management

Class Namespace Isolation

An application server should ideally give its deployed applications the freedom to use whatever utility library and whatever version of the library they see fit, regardless of the presence of concurrent applications that want to use the same library. This is mandated by the J2EE specifications, which calls it class namespace isolation (Java EE 5 Specifications, Section EE.8.4). The fact that different applications load their classes in different class name spaces or class loading domains allow them to do just that: run whatever class version they like, oblivious to the fact that their neighbors use the same class.

Java doesn't provide the formal notion of class version. So how is it possible to implement a class loading domain? The runtime identity of a class in Java 2 is defined by the fully qualified class name and its defining class loader. This means that the same class, loaded by two different class loaders, is seen by the Virtual Machine as two completely different types.

If you like history, you probably know that this wasn't always the case. In Java 1.1 the runtime identity of a class was defined only by its fully qualified class name. That made Vijay Saraswat declare in 1997 that "[Java is not type-safe|]" and Sheng Liang and Gilad Bracha fixed it by strengthening the type system to include a class's defining class loader in addition to the name of the class to fully define the type. This is good and ... not so good. It is good because now its not possible anymore that a rogue class loader would re-define your "java.lang.String" class. The VM will detect that and throw a ClassCastException. It is also good because now it is possible to have class loading domains within the same VM. Not so good however, is the fact that passing an object instance by reference between two class loading domains is not possible. Doing so results in the dreaded ClassCastException. If you would like to know more details about how this happens, please follow this link. Not being able to pass an Object by reference means you have to fall back on serialization and serialization means performance degradation.

Hot Redeployment

Returning to application servers, the need for class loaders becomes probably obvious: this is how an application server implements class namespace isolation: each application gets its own class loader at deployment, and hence, its own "version" of classes.

To extend this even more, it would be nice if we could re-deploy an application (i.e. instantiate a newer version of a class), at run-time, without necessarily bringing down the VM and re-starting it to reload the class. That would mean 24x7 uptime. Java 4 doesn't intrinsically support the concept of hot re-deployment. Once a dependent class reference was added to the runtime constant pool of a class, it is not possible to drop that reference anymore.

However, it is possible to trick the server (or the VM) into doing this. If application A interacts with application B, but doesn't have any direct references to the B classes, and B changes, let's say a newer and better version becomes available, it is possible to create a new class loader, load the new B classes and have the invocation bus (the application server) route all invocations from A to the new B classes. This way, A deals with a new version of B without even knowing it. If the application server is careful to drop all explicit references to the old B classes, they will eventually be garbage collected and the old B will eventually disappear from the system.

Sharing Classes

Isolating class loading domains is nice. Our applications will run happily and safe. But very slowly, when it comes to interacting with each other. This is because each interaction involves passing arguments by value, which means serialization, which means overhead.

We're sometimes (actually quite often) faced with the situation where in we would like to allow applications to share classes. We know precisely, for example, that in our environment, application A and B, otherwise independent, will always use the same version of the utility library and doing so, they could pass references among themselves without any problem. The added benefit in this case is that the invocations will be faster, given the fact serialization is cut out.

One word of caution though. In this situation, if we hot redeploy the utility library, we also must re-deploy the application A and B: the current A and B classes used direct references to the utility classes, so they're tainted forever, they won't ever be able to use the new utility classes.

JBoss makes possible for applications to share classes. JBoss 3.x does that by default. JBoss 4.0 does this for the "standard" configuration, but maintains class namespace isolation between applications for its "default" configuration. JBoss 4.0.1 reverts to the 3.x convention.

Class Repositories or How JBoss Class Loading Works

JBoss makes sharing classes possible by introducing the concept of class loader repository. The central piece of the class loading mechanism is the (UCL). UnifiedClassLoader3 extends URLClassLoader. Each UCL is associated with a shared repository of classes and resources, usually an instance of Every UCL is associated with a single instance of UnifiedLoaderRepository3, but a repository can have multiple UCLs. A UCL may have multiple URLs associated with it for class and resource loading. By default, there is a single UnifiedLoaderRepository3 shared across all UCL instances. UCLs form a single flat class namespace.

The class loader parent for each UCL is a NoAnnotationClassLoader instance. The NoAnnotationClassLoader extends URLClassLoader. A singleton NoAnnotationClassLoader instance is created during the server's boot process and its job is to define classes available in the $JBOSS_HOME/lib libraries (ex: commons-logging.jar, concurrent.jar, dom4j.jar, jboss-common.jar, jboss-jmx.jar, jboss-system.jar, log4j-boot.jar, xercesImpl.jar, etc.). The NoAnnotationClassLoader's parent is the system class loader (sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader).

When a new UCL is created and associated with the repository, it contributes to the repository a map of packages it can potentially serve classes from. It doesn't add any class to the repository's class cache yet, because nobody has requested any class at this stage. The repository just walks through the class loader's URL to see what packages that UCL is capable of handling. So, the UCL just declares that it can potentially serve classes from the packages that are present in its classpath.

When requested to load a class, a UCL overrides the standard Java2 class loading model by first trying to load a class from its associated repository's cache. If it doesn't find it there, it delegates the task of loading the class to the first UCL associated with the repository that declared it can load that class. The order in which the UCLs have been added to the repository becomes important, because this is what defines "first" in this context. If no "available" UCL is found, the initiating UCL falls back to the standard Java2 parent delegation. This explains why you are still able to use "java.lang.String", for example.

At the end of this process, if no class definition is found in the bootstrap libraries, in the $JBOSS_HOME/lib libraries nor among the libraries associated with the repository's UCL, the UCL throws a ClassNotFoundException. However, if one of the pair UCL is able to load the class, the class will be added to the repository's class cache and from this moment on, it will be returned to any UCL requesting it.

Even if the Java bootstrap packages or $JAVA_HOME/lib packages are not added to the repository's package map, the classes belonging to those packages can be loaded through the process described above and they are added to the repository too. This explains why you'll find "java.lang.String" in the repository.

Note: Package Map is nothing but ...

/** A HashMap<String, Set<UCL>> of package names to the set of
* ClassLoaders which have classes in the package.
* Access synchronized via this.packagesMap monitor.

Class sharing can be turned off. J2EE-style class namespace isolation is available. You get an "isolated" application by scoping the application's deployment. At the JBoss class loading management system level, scoping translates into creating a child repository. A scoped application still can load the classes present in the classpaths of the UCLs or the root repository. Depending on whether repository's "Java2ParentDelegation" flag is turned on or off, a scoped application even has access to the class instances available in the root repository's cache. However, sibling child repositories can never share classes.

Note: Even if an HierarchicalLoaderRepository3$NoParentClassLoader instance has its parent set to be an instance of NoAnnotationURLClassLoader, as represented above, the NoParentClassLoader implementation of loadClass() always throws a ClassNotFoundException to force the UCL to only load from its URLs. We will look closer at how NoParentClassLoader works and how a scoped application loads a class available in the system's bootstrap libraries when we present the Cases 3 and 4, below.

Real World Scenarios

We will explore the complex interactions presented above based on concrete use cases.

We start by assuming that we want to deploy our own application (be it a JBoss service, a complex enterprise archive or a simple stateless session bean), and this application relies on an external library. For simplicity, we could assume that the utility library contains only a single class, org.useful.Utility. The Utility class can be packed together with the application classes inside the application archive, or it could be packed in its own archive, utility.jar. We could also assume that we always use the JBoss' default configuration.

Our hypothetical application consists of a single class, org.pkg1.A. We will consider several common situations:

Case 1. The Utility.class is present in the application's archive, but nowhere else on the server.

The short story: The current UCL will become the defining class loader of the class, and the class will be added to the repository's class cache. The details of the process are presented below.

First time the application needs to use a strong-typed Utility reference, the VM asks the current UCL to load the class. The UCL tries to get the class from the repository's cache (1). If it is found, the class is returned and the process stops right here. If the class is not found, the UCL queries the repository for UCLs capable to load classes from the package the unknown class is part of (3). Being the single UCL able to define the class, the control returns to it and load manager calls loadClassLocally() on it (4). loadClassLocally() first tries to call super.loadClass() (5), which ends by involving the NoAnnotationClassLoader in the loading process. If the class is present in the bootstrap libraries or $JBOSS_HOME/lib (the URLs associated with the NoAnnotationClassLoader instance), it is loaded. Otherwise, the class is loaded from the URLs associated with the current UCL. Finally, the class is added to the repository's class cache (6).

This is the configuration of the UnifiedLoaderRepository after the class loading takes place.

Case 2. The Utility.class is present both in the application's archive AND server/default/lib. The deployment is non-scoped.

The short story: The version of the class available in server/default/lib/utility.jar will be used by the new deployment. The version of the class packed with the deployment will be ignored.

The key element here is that when getPackageClassLoaders() is invoked on the repository, the method calls returns two potential classloaders that can load org.useful.Utility: UCL0 and UCL1. The UCL0 is chosen, because it was added to the repository before UCL1 and it will be used to load org.useful.Utility.

This is the configuration of the UnifiedLoaderRepository after the class loading takes place.

Case 3. The Utility.class is present both in the application's archive AND server/default/lib. The deployment is scoped and Java2ParentDelegation is turned off (default).

The short story: The utility class is loaded from the application's archive.

Because Java2ParentDelegation is turned off by default, the Step (1.1) is never executed, parentRepository.getCachedClass() never gets called, so the UCL doesn't have access to the repository's cached classes.

Within the scope of the call to getPackageClassLoaders() at Step 3, the child repository also calls getPackageClassLoaders() on its parent, and also includes into the returned class loader set a UCL (constructed on the spot and associated to the child repository) that has among its ancestors an instance of NoAnnotationURLClassLoader, which ultimately can reach the system class loader. Why is that? Remember that the UCL's parent, HierarchicalLoaderRepository3$NoParentClassLoader, overrides loadClass() to always throw a ClassNotFoundException, thus forcing the UCL to only load from its URLs. If the UCL relies only on its class loader parent to load bootstrap classes, it will throw ClassNotFoundException and fail when your application wants to load "java.lang.String", for example. The NoAnnotationURLClassLoader-delegating UCL instance included in the return set provides a way load bootstrap library classes.

Always the HierarchialLoaderRepository's class loaders take precedence over the parent's (their "order" is lower). For the case depicted above, UCL1 is the preferred class loader.

This is the configuration of the UnifiedLoaderRepository after the class loading takes place.

Case 4. The Utility.class is present both in the application's archive AND server/default/lib. The deployment is scoped, but java2ParentDelegation is turned on.

When Java2ParentDelegation is turned on, the Step (1.1) is executed, and if a cached class is found in the parent repository, it is returned and the process stops here.

Within the scope of the call to getPackageClassLoaders() at Step (3), the child repository also calls getPackageClassLoaders() on its parent, but does not include into the returned class loader set a UCL with a parent to the system class loader. If there are no class loaders in the repository capable of handling the request ask the class loader itself in the event that its parent(s) can load the class (repository.loadClassFromClassLoader())

The HierarchialLoaderRepository's class loaders take precedence over the parent's (their "order" is lower). For the case depicted above, UCL1 is the preferred class loader.

This is the configuration of the UnifiedLoaderRepository after the class loading takes place.

Question: What happens if the parent delegation is true and a classloader already loaded the class in the parent repository's class cache?

Answer: My scoped application will use the already loaded class from the parent repository's class cache.



  • Create similar use cases for WARs. Deploying a WAR involves an extra class loader (WebappClassLoader) created by the servlet container, that can be independently configured using the WAR's jboss-web.xml.

  • Explain how UCL3 are created, by whom and why. Explain the relationship between UCL created during an EAR deployment. Multiple UCLs are created (the one corresponding to the EAR and then for the embedded JARs, WARs, etc).

  • More details on Java2ParentDelegation flag. Make it clear that it only affects the relationship between repositories not classloaders. If a class is not found in any repository, then the standard delegation model is invoked (i.e. the parent classloader is asked to find the class).